Dr. Timothy Brown is a native of Loris, SC. He is the husband to Dr. Sherita Brown and they both work together at her private practice, Insight Family Eye Care in Augusta, GA. He is the father to two beautiful children (Timothy II & Tycianna Brown), & son to wonderful parents (Johnny Sr (deceased) & Ann Brown)). Timothy is a graduate of Loris High School (2000), graduate of Lander University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology (2004) & graduate of Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University with a Doctorate of Optometry (2010). He is an Optometrist, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, Co-Author to the book Letters To Our Brothers, Independent Avon Sales Representative & Leader of Team Consistency (since 2011). He enjoys playing tennis, riding bikes with his family, serving as Deacon at Tabernacle Baptist Church (TAB), impacting lives with TAB’s Men Ministry, livestreaming with TAB’s Multimedia, and traveling. One of his daily goals & prayers is to inspire, motivate others, & spread positivity!
Timothy Brown LINKS
Website Link: www.youravon.com/timothybrown
FACEBOOK LINK Mr. Positivity: https://www.facebook.com/Timothy-O-Brown-Mr-Positivity-102342081470131/
Facebook Link AVON: https://www.facebook.com/AvonManTimothyBrownIndependentSalesRepresentative/
Instagram: I’m on Instagram as @timothybrownpositive. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=2h7oacb5t2bn&utm_content=11cl5mm TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3AoNyR/
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/TimothyBrownAvonMan
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothy-brown-od-mr-positivity-44811235
Twitter https://twitter.com/AvonManTimothyB?s=09
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